I have adventured under several names over the years, each one an in-depth exploration of a cultural (or sub-cultural) aspect of Hercules, my divine ancestor, operant archetype and tutelary deity.
During the early dawn of this new Millennium I wandered through the concrete canyons of the Big Apple, sword in hand, as Thor the Barbarian, while a band of modern minstrels armed with mini-dv cams chronicled my many adventures for a local cable show.
Thor is, of course, the Northern European equivalent of Hercules. And 'the Barbarian' is the primary heroic fantasy vehicle for Herculean adventure.
Plus: several 'Barbarian' peoples of antiquity, most notably the Celts, claimed descent from Hercules. They also knew Hercules as the Daghda (whom I've been) and Ogmius (whom I haven't).
The menu-links to the left allow me to share some of the details of this particular journey.
Larger Than Life Living in the World Today
(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus
Photo by Ron S. Dyer