Hercules Invictus

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And lo, Mount Olympus guided my steps toward Tenafly and therein I currently reside. What mythic mission could this move reveal?

Tenafly literally means 'Ten Swamps'.

In Greek Mythology swamps were considered to be Gateways to the Underworld and other unearthly realms.  These Plutonian Gates, as they were sometimes called,  were often protected by monstrous guardians, such as the Lernean Hydra. Ancient Astronaut theorists now believe these portals to have been StarGates, or artificial wormholes, bridging distant realms and time periods.

The number ten was considered to signify Completeness, or Eternity, by the Ancients. It also symbolized the divinity Aion, or Kronos, known to us moderns as Father Time.

Aion's iconography conveyed the cyclical nature of time through such symbols as a coiled serpent or a snake devouring its own tail.  He was often associated with Cybele, the goddess of the Gates as per the Ancient Astronaut theorists. 

Could Tenafly, a picture-postcard town in Bergen County, actually be the key that unlocks the mysteries of space, time and other dimensions?

I was determined to explore this riddle and see where my quest led me. And thus the adventure began...

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2015 Hercules Invictus
