Cosmic Interviews

Hercules Invictus Presents:

Omnec Onec


Omnec & Anja

Fortunately, I discovered that her hand-picked Representative Anja CR Schafer not only keeps Omnec's legacy alive through a website and the dissemination of Omnec's teachings, she has also been entrusted with Omnec Onec's cosmic mission.


I requested, and was granted, an interview.


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975 - 2016 Hercules Invictus

There was only one Venusian of note that I had avoided learning more about: Omnec Onec. This struck me as curious, so I resolved to remedy this right away.

Omnec Onec claims to have come to our planet in 1955 from one of Venus' Astral realms, a goodwill Ambassador with a message of love and hope for the human race. Unlike most she did not drink from the Lethe so her memories were intact.

From an Astral perspective her tale was certainly plausible, though not from the vantage point of our present cultural reality.

What struck me was her insistence that there was a physical structure on the Venus of our current vibrational level. This, some of the details regarding her background and several of her more outrageous proclamations, convinced me that in regards to Venus, we were both somehow tuned into the same frequency.

Her words described the version of Venus that strained my credulity in the 1970s and led me to question the veracity of most of most messages from beyond.

I resolved to learn more about Omnec and, as she was still incarnate, perhaps interview her. The more I read the more I felt that this particular Venusian may indeed possess a key that unlocked a few more of my own cosmic mysteries. Alas, further exploration revealed that she had retired from public life shortly after suffering a stroke several years ago.
