The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

Destiny Quest: Review


An Age of Heroes Initiative

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

I never had the pleasure of meeting George E. Soroka, but I am fortunate enough to know his daughter Cynthia. From her, and from his friend and former political running mate Jeff, I had heard many tales about George over the years. Although our paths did not cross on this plane of being, I was quite thrilled to recently discover that some of his works are still in print.

George Soroka was a respiratory therapist by profession and a pioneer in the therapeutic applications of biofeedback, energy and minerals. He was charismatic, fearless in his fringe explorations and managed to attract quite a devoted following who raved about his discoveries.

In Being: The Path to Self Creation, the first of his works I experimented with, he teaches a simple exercise that extracts you from the chaos of reactive living and lifts you to a detached perspective from which you can obtain greater serenity, clarity and insight. 

Although the technique is simple, it is not easy, as our biology and social conditioning both conspire to keep us mired in primitive and childish modes of thought and behavior. 

The booklet is quite thorough in explaining the origins and nature of our trap. It also provides an effective way of extricating yourself from it and ultimately breaking the habitual practice of returning to the uncomfortable, yet familiar, cage in which we were all reared.

I found it helpful to introduce the technique into my daily meditation sessions. After a few days I was able to identify, isolate and enter the state of mind it induced without much difficulty. I am currently working on reaching the perspective from a non-relaxed state.

As with all else, practice, practice, practice, and lots of patience will yield success.



Review by Hercules Invictus