The Contest of the Gods is over and Zeus still sits on the Mystic Throne of Mount Olympus. No Olympian emerged as an undisputed winner and, in fact, the struggle to succeed at all costs robbed the Olympians of their collective power as a pantheon. The Age of Heroes in Greece has passed and the Hellenes have entered a historical era that remembers and honors the gods but no longer shares a world with them.

Meanwhile, a new god from the East, Ahura Mazda, sets his sights on the Olympian Heavens. He leads powerful Daevas. And his mortal champion, King Xerxes of Persia, threatens Hellas with his vast armies.

Faced with this threat, Father Zeus and his Council decide that their day has not quite passed and that the glorious past they pine for does indeed provide the key to their salvation.

In the days of yore, Heroes are recruited through dreams and divine visitations. Unfortunately, in the present, King Leonidas of Sparta earns the ire of Zeus by violating the sacred Laws of Hospitality. To atone, the bloodline of Heracles must be sacrificed and the Spartans removed from the playing field.

As so begins Mythos: Battle of Thermopylae!

Our Heroes find themselves near Sparta and are greeted by Hippocrates. Their adventure unfolds between the 16th and 19th days of September. The playing-field includes both the Greek and Persian camps and all the areas in between.

Aside from the inevitable clash of arms on various scales of magnitude, there are mysteries to clarify, omens to interpret and oracles to consult. And let's not forget... there are Powers and Principalities to confront, including a power-hungry divinity and a near-immortal mythic beast.

Two colorful maps help with visualizing and running this adventure. The art provided immediately draws you into the mytho-historical setting. The adventure is tight, well written and well designed. And it opens the door to more exciting Mythos adventures in alternate worlds.

I raise my olive club in salute! Success to all who have shaped this awesome RPG product and have released it into our world!


Review by Hercules Invictus


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus
