Hercules, the mighty son of Zeus, is no stranger to the human condition. Though he struggled with mortality, his shortcomings never prevented him from accomplishing great deeds that were of lasting benefit to mankind. He left us a powerful legacy and a legend that has endured throughout the millennia.

Athena, the Guide of heroes and the Protectress of civilization, guards the Sacred Circle of organized human endeavor and grants her favor to all those who dare venture Beyond in service to humanity. She inspired Hercules throughout his mortal life and helped him re-establish his proper place on Olympus when his deeds were finally done.

Together they serve as our Exemplars, inspiring all those who willingly tread the Heroic Path to discover, cultivate, and master their Divine Gifts, then dedicate them in service to Heaven and Earth.

In the neo-Theosophic and neo-Theurgic synthesis called the I AM Activity, Hercules and Athena, also called Amazonia, are the Elohim that guide our spiritual evolution. Their watchful guidance is represented by the Luminaries, our Solar and Lunar Orbs. Their nurturing protectiveness is demonstrated by theĀ beautiful blue mantle of ourĀ daytime sky, fringed with fleecy white clouds. Their love for us is reaffirmed daily via the embrace of rosy fingered dawn and dusk. And their esoteric wisdom is written on the firmament of night.

Hercules and Athena preside over the Divine Council and guide Gaia's creative forces. The Astra Planeta honor and assist them, as do the Giants from the Age of Gold. They are personally attended by Nike, the Archangel Michael, the Archaia Pistis, their Host of Angels, and their fleet of God-Chariots. Two Atlanteans, Aetes and Circe, High Priest and High Priestess of the Sun, serve as Chohans to the Ascended sons and daughters of Hercules and Athena.

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