
Olympian Community

Zeus Ammon

Mount Olympus

Jason and Medea brought the Golden Fleece to the famed Oracle of Ammon in Libya during the Argo's return voyage. Ammon, or Amun as the Egyptians knew him, was known far and wide as the Lord of Good Counsel.

While incarnate, Hercules desired to learn how to communicate
directly with his divine father. As per Herodotus, he traveled to the Siwa Oasis and sought advice from the the Lord of Good Counsel himself. We do not know what he was advised to do, but Hercules was unaware that it was actually Zeus who spoke to him from behind the ram-like visage of the Egyptian god.

Alexander the Great honored Zeus Ammon and sought insight from him on how to best emulate his illustrious ancestors Hercules and Perseus. Some believe that Alexander was the son of this particular aspect of Zeus, a mythic demi-god made flesh.

In January 2017, through a series of dreams, hypnopompic visions and meditations, both active and passive, Father Zeus revealed himself to me as the impulse that has prompted me to seek the Golden Fleece, time and again, since childhood.

My best understanding at present is that the Divine Father is an aspect of the creative and generative forces that I have never quite comprehended or fully appreciated. I was shown, through flashbacks and memories of my own experiences as a grandson, son and father, exactly what type of relationship I currently had with God the Father, and what was being sought. This was supplemented with snapshots of my leadership roles, positions of surrogate fatherhood and the creative endeavors I have launched. The latter was expressed as Athena clamoring to be born and springing full grown from my head. As most of my creative efforts over the years have been focused on mentoring, teaching and helping people, this image communicated quite a lot.

There was much truth in these revelations, and much discomfort. Waves of suppressed emotions flooded my being. I re-experienced and released them. The healing process had begun. The Heavenly Father simply sought a real relationship, caring and loving interactions. A part of me could not fully give or receive in that sphere and it was about time I removed that obstacle.

It is my impulse, through many years of dream-work, to treat such experiences as part of my internal process, something that I am working through or digesting that is expressing itself through a personally relevant, though sometimes enigmatic, series of images. Though this may be true on some levels, on others it proved not to be. Numerous synchronicities started echoing Zeus' message in my waking life, most powerfully and continuously through a couple who represent a Cosmic, neo-Theosophical spirituality. Although I am not quite ready to share our subsequent and still ongoing communications and explorations, the same Male Parental Source seems to be communicating with all of us.


Hercules Invictus

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today
(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus