The Sun is a symbol of authority, leadership, prosperity, strength, wellness, nurturing from a distance, the conscious mind and the public persona.

Said to be influenced by the constellation Leo, the Gate of the Sun channels leonine energies into our world. The Lion has been associated with the Sun since the earliest antiquity and it expresses both our positive and negative experiences with the Solar Orb. It is up to us to master, harness and channel these energies toward life-affirming and socially constructive ends.

As the Sun Gate leads beyond the Arch of Time and likewise affects and influences all other Gates, it seemed like the wisest place to begin. 


Tenafly Time Portals

Gate of the Sun

Hercules Invictus Presents:

Time Travelers Faire


Personally, I began a Totem Quest to cultivate and develop more positive and effective Solar and Leonine characteristics.  

In Tenafly, I became involved with the Mayors Wellness Campaign and launched Fitness Quest to honor and encourage my community's dedication to to the Solar spheres of strength and wellness..  

The Olympian Council, expressing their approval, assigned our Sun-Chariot, the Pride of Olympus, with all its resources, to the task at hand,

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2016 Hercules Invictus
