The Elysium Project

     Creating the Best of All Worlds

Hercules Quest

At our March 3rd Rotary Meeting I met another Hercules. He was a Guest of Robert Bustard and a potential Rotarian.

Synchronicities abounded: It turns out that we both attended the same Greek parochial school, had many of the same teachers, lived 10 blocks from one another in Washington Heights and moved to Bergen County toward the end of our High School years. 

At Meeting's End we were both tasked with seeking more Herculeses. I decided to begin this new Quest by establishing contact with fellow Rotarians in the cities of Hercules, California here in the USA and Iraklio (Herakleion), Crete, in Greece. I started off by Liking their Facebook page and extending my hand in friendship through a Personal Message.

My strange and exciting Rotarian Odyssey continues...

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

Community Service Quest
 An Age of Heroes Initiative
A Rotarian Odyssey