The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Solar Quest

The Realm of Ra 

My Solar Quest is very much focused on the energy needs of this world, and particularly those of the Garden State in which I currently reside.


But on a spiritual level it is deeply rooted in ancient Greece and Rome and in the figure of the Theban Hercules, the archetypal Solar Hero. 

Following this Golden Thread has led me to long-lost Phoenicia and to the inner world of Hercules' descendants, the Celts. 

Each and every step I took led to an encounter with living symbols that celebrated the Sun's life, death and re-birth.

And now my road takes me to ancient Egypt, and to the Realm of Ra.

Ra was one of several Khemetic deities associated with the Solar Disk. Others included  Ammon, Amun, the Aten, Bast, Khepri, Nephertem, Ptah, Sekhmet and Horus, who is often associated with Hercules.

Horus and Ra were later combined in the figure of Ra-Horakhty. And the Solar Orb was alternately called the Eye of Ra or the Eye of Horus.  

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

According to the Thelemites we have currently transitioned into the Aeon of Horus and humanity is destined to finally attain total self-realization and complete self-actualization. In the Olympian tradition the Aeon of Horus is called the Age of Heroes.

As the modern Hercules on the Path of the Sun my course is clear. It is time for me to learn more about RaPower3 and 'The Most Disruptive Energy Technologies The World Has Ever Seen'.