Mount Olympus Presents:

Champions of Olympus

Awakening the Heroic Spirit in Humanity

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Larger than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975 - 2017 Hercules Invictus

I am Hercules Invictus.

My Olympian Mission is to promote life-long personal development, human empowerment, out-of-the box thinking, creative self-expression and a dedication of one's unique talents to community service.
All of my Labors in this lifetime celebrate the Hero's Journey in myth, legend, spirituality, popular culture and in daily life.

I firmly believe that the human spirit is essentially heroic and always seeking ways to express its innate nobility and greatness. And that a life fully lived, dedicated to actualizing the Highest we can conceive, is the noblest expression of human existence.

Guided by my Primal Vision, and dedicated to celebrating and engaging humanity's Heroic Spirit, I boldly declared the end of the Age of the Victim and proclaimed a new Age of Heroes.

The Champions of Olympus are a Real Life Super Hero (RLSH) team comprised of Interfaith Argonauts engaged in actualizing The Elysium Project, which endeavors to create a better world.



At present we are forming our Team and defining our Mission as a RLSH group.

We will be interviewing individuals, interacting with organizations, gathering resources and, no doubt, having interesting adventures. Our Current Objective is to Promote Optimal Wellness through the Mount Olympus Fitness Challenge.