The Freedom Force

Hercules, Isis, Merlin, Sinbad and the Super Samurai are The Freedom Force, a superhero team HQed in an ancient pyramid in the Valley of Time.

Hercules (beardless, long blond hair, light blue tights and Liberace cape) rides Pegasus and is a Star Sentinel. Isis adventured independently in comics and live-action TV episodes. Super Samurai is actually a young oriental kid named Toshi. Sinbad (who sculpts) has a short and heavy Arabic comedic side-kick named Lamprey and Merlin appears to have become the magical mentor of these superheros after his stint with the Camelot crew.

During the 5 episode run, our heroes resolved differences between science and religion, protected the time-stream, fought Giant Robots and diffused the perils that arise when foolish mortals dabble with black magic.

Villains include Cagliostro, Thoth and Morgana (who Hercules loved but spurned when he found out she was evil, she retaliates by turning Pegasus to stone and making Hercules her personal slave).

The Freedom Force is surreal and dreamlike, mild on violence, yet full of occult material that would alarm some modern day folks who are concerned about the metaphysical content in cartoons.

Review by Hercules Invictus

Hercules Today: Animation

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

Image (c) Filmation
