Hercules Today: Life Lessons


From Steve Reeves: Mythic Mentor 2017


Steve Reeves determined exactly how an Ideal Physique would be proportioned, then proceeded to transform himself into a living expression of that Ideal. What are my Ideals? How clearly have I defined them? What am I doing to optimally express them?


Steve Reeves' attention seemed to be primarily focused on Bodybuilding, his Horses, his Performances as an Entertainer and his personal Relationships.  As his focus was narrow and he applied his time and energy towards making things happen, he accomplished a great deal. What matters most to me? Is my attention focused or scattered?  Am I applying time and energy toward my chosen life spheres?

MARCH 2017

Steve Reeves imagined his Ideal Retirement as a Rancher and started on that path as soon as he was able. Much of what he earned went towards building and supporting this latter-life dream. And there were many setbacks! Because he never gave up, he had the retirement he envisioned. What is the destination I envision for my life's journey? Am I on the path to getting there? Does all I do keep me moving in the right direction?

APRIL 2017

Steve Reeves' major disappointment in life seems to have been his never having fathered a child. Though fulfilled in other life-spheres in this one he remained unfulfilled. Steve Reeves did not allow himself to be defined by his lack. Instead he became a mentor to all who strove for the heights he reached. He became an inspiring father figure to generations of aspiring bodybuilders and action stars. Am I finding constructive ways to fill the voids in my own life and help others in the process?

MAY 2017

Steve Reeves knew how and when to let things go. He let go of his childhood environment. He let go of modeling and competing as a bodybuilder. He let go of gym ownership. He let go of his theatrical and movie careers. He even let go of stardom. Steve Reeves knew how and when to move on. What am I stubbornly holding on to? Can I release it with equal confidence and grace?

JUNE 2017

Steve Reeves researched everything fully before attempting it. He became an expert in the process and made informed decisions. Then he learned from his actual experiences and made adjustments. Am I making every attempt to know what I am getting into? Am I even looking before I leap into things?

JULY 2017

Steve Reeves gave everything he attempted his all and strove for not only mastery but perfection. Am I willing and able to pursue my personal goals with the same level of dedication and commitment? 

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today
(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus