Hercules Today

I am Hercules in modern times.

Yet I am far from alone in claiming this honor, for the archetypal mythic strong man of antiquity is indeed alive and well, still active and adventuring on our planet and in our collective psyches.

New tales are forever being told of Herakles, as my ancestors knew him, and the old tales are being continuously retold. As in ancient times, Hercules may appear in different guises and answer to various names, but nonetheless, the greatest hero of the Greeks remains distinctly unique and instantly recognizable to all who know him.

It is my custom to seek out and learn from all the incarnations and iterations of Hercules Today. At times the lesson is crystal clear. At other times it requires some thought or quiet contemplation.

Yet there is always wisdom to be gleaned or a life-lesson to be learned!


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus


Mythic Mentor 2017

Mythic Physique/Hercules Today

Steve Reeves Tribute

Throughout 2017 I will be honoring Steve Reeves, the first cinematic Hercules, as my Mythic Mentor. I will be learning about him, celebrating his legacy, applying what I learn from him and sharing my journey with others.

For more information, please click on the Steve Reeves Tribute menu-link on the left.