Hercules Today: Movies

Little Hercules

As Zeus and Marduk vie for supremacy in the starry heavens, Zeus' half-mortal son wishes to explore what it is to be human.

Zeus, of course, forbids it.

But alas, for this young demigod the Call of his Destiny is more powerful than his father's thunderous voice.

Aided by Hera he arrives in modern day California and befriends Curtis, a wisecracking local. Cultures clash until common ground is found. In the meanwhile Hera convinces Zeus to deprive Hercules of his powers and conspires with Marduk to humiliate and destroy her hated step-child.

Hercules ultimately finds, after many misadventures, that one need not be a half-god to stand triumphant against life's many challenges. One simply needs sufficient heart.

Terry 'Hulk' Hogan and his family appear throughout this fun family film. For those who want the fun to continue past the movie, here's an FYI: Season 2 of their reality show, Hogan knows best, contains an episode that takes you behind the scenes of this empowering production.

Oh yes, and the film can also be viewed in 3D

Review by Hercules Invictus


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus
